< April 2024 Seminar Overview


Skills Development Activity: Introduction to Logic

  • Introduce students to the study of logic in classical philosophy.

  • Review the basic concepts of logic and point out common fallacies.

  • Encourage students to think more rigorously and be on guard for unwarranted leaps in reasoning, helping them to be more critical in their evaluation of advertisements, news stories, or teachers’ comments in class.

  • Teach students how to make their own ideas more precise and to recognize the difference between logical arguments and polemics designed to play upon emotions.

Character Talk: Sincerity

  • To remind students of the important role sincerity plays in setting goals, building friendships, and overcoming obstacles.

  • To encourage greater sincerity in the mentoring sessions, in part by demonstrating the connection between sincerity and personal improvement. 

Out-of-class work

  • Complete Summer Goals Worksheet and review with mentor.

  • Discuss and complete mentor worksheet.